Hey, I'm Stefan.

Software Engineer at Scalefocus, Google Developer Student Club Mentor and photographer. Currently developing Web Applications.


CRWatch Demo


crwatch is a customizable CLI tool for displaying live cryptocurrency prices and drawing charts. It has the ability to monitor and update the prices continously with a given timeout, and it is the only interactive cryptocurrency command line monitor app.

JavaScript | NodeJS


Tutoras is a mock web application for connecting students and tutors with an integrated payment service. It's built using Spring Boot, Angular and MySQL. This project can be used as an example of how to set up Spring Security with Angular.

Java | TypeScript | Spring Boot | Angular | MySQL

Tutoras Demo
Cookie Clicker Demo

Cookie Clicker

Collaborated in a group of three to build a Windows Forms game in C# based on the original online game Cookie Clicker. I was responsible for the OOP Design and the overall structure of the game, as well as most of the animations

C# | .NET | Windows Forms

Skopje Movie Schedule

Created an Android Application using Java with the MVC methodology that scrapes local movie theater schedules with JSoup and explores trending and upcoming movies using the TMDB API

Java | SQLLite | TMDB API

Skopje Movie Schedule Demo
Face Detection Lock Demo

Face Detection Lock

Face Detection Lock is a Python program for detecting, recognizing and authenticating faces. The result of the authentication is displayed on a 16x2 LCD Screen. The code is a custom implementation on the code by Adrian Rosebrock found at pyimagesearch

Python | Raspberry Pi

Pi Weather Display

Pi Weather Display is a small LCD screen connected to a Raspberry Pi that displays weather information such as temperature, humidity, wind and more. It's written in Python and utilizes OpenWeatherMap API to get the weather data.

Raspberry Pi | Python | OpenWeatherMap API

Pi Weather Display Demo